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Covid-19 virus


We are working towards a new normal with appropriate guidelines and cleaning practices in adherence to safety protocols as laid out by the BC's Provincial Health Officer and WorkSafeBC to keep our community of staff and patients safe. We need to work together in this for everyone's benefit. Please kindly practice the following :


For the patient, before, during and after your appointment :


  1. Complete the BC COVID 19 Self Assessment Tool before you arrive to ensure it is safe to do so.

  2. If you have a temperature above 38C/100F or feel at all under the weather, please reschedule when you are well.

  3. Wear a face mask or PPE to and during your session. If you do not have one, it can be purchased upon arrival.

  4. Sanitize your hands upon entering and departing the clinic. Hand sanitizing stations at elevators and in the waiting room.

  5. Practice proper etiquette by coughing and sneezing into a tissue or your elbow.

  6. Bring your own treatment shorts or top when required.

  7. Use the washroom in the comfort of your own home before arriving for your session as we do not have a dedicated washroom for our clinic. 

  8. For contactless payment, please use tap-enabled credit/debit cards or Interac e-transfers. Receipts will be emailed only, except in circumstances deemed necessary.


What we're committed to doing :


  1. Increasing time between patients to allow for increase in sanitizing touchable surfaces and for reducing patient exposure to each other.

  2. Pre-screening patients by phone before appointments whether patient:

    • Has a cough or fever or was recently sick

    • Traveled anywhere in the last 14 days or is self  isolating

    • Has come into contact with anyone suspected of or diagnosed with COVID

  3. Requiring therapists and staff to wear face masks, and safety goggles or face shields

  4. Using recommended disinfectant grade products for cleaning and regular heat sanitation of treatment tools.

  5. Increasing scheduled cleaning of general patient areas, door handles, counters, equipment used.

  6. Ensuring all towels are single use before putting into laundry. Pillow cases replaced with vinyl ones. Blankets and extra pillows no longer provided unless deemed necessary by the therapist.

  7. Dedicating a patient room to each therapist.

  8. Minimizing the use of treatment machines and neck traction equipment that are more difficult to sanitize.

  9. Limiting gym equipment use at the discretion and direction of the therapist. Therapist will disinfect the equipment and the area used after each patient.

  10. Removing magazines and water station


We thank you in advance for your patience, understanding and cooperation. These safety protocols are a work in progress as we assess and reassess what works and doesn't for this clinic. Thank you for helping keep you, our staff and fellow patients safe! See you again soon!





  1. 在您到達之前,請完成BC COVID 19自我評估工具,以確保這樣做安全。

  2. 如果您的溫度高於38C / 100F,或者感到不適,請在身體健康時重新安排時間。

  3. 會議期間請戴口罩或PPE。如果您沒有,可以在抵達時購買。

  4. 我們在電梯和後診室裡備用消毒液,在進入和離開診所前後,請消毒您的手。

  5. 如咳嗽和打噴嚏時,請用肘部和紙巾蓋擋著。

  6. 必要時自備短褲或上衣。

  7. 由於我們沒有診所專用的洗手間,因此在參加會議前,請在自己家中使用洗手間。

  8. 對於非接觸式付款,請使用啟用了點擊的信用卡/借記卡或Interac電子轉賬。僅在認為必要的情況下,才會通過電子郵件發送收據。


  1. 增加患者之間的時間,以增加對可觸摸表面的衛生處理並減少患者彼此之間的接觸

  2. ​在約會之前通過電話對患者進行預篩查是否患者:

    • 咳嗽或發燒或最近生病

    • 最近14天內到過任何地方,或正在自我隔離

    • 已與懷疑或診斷出COVID的任何人聯繫

  3. 要求治療師和工作人員戴上口罩,護目鏡或面罩

  4. 使用推薦的消毒級產品進行清潔和定期熱消毒處理工具

  5. 增加對普通患者區域,門把手,櫃檯,所用設備的定期清潔。

  6. 在放入衣物之前,請確保所有毛巾均為一次性使用。枕頭套換成乙烯基的。除非治療師認為必要,否則將不再提供毯子和額外的枕頭。

  7. 為每個治療師提供一個病房

  8. 減少使用更難消毒的治療機和頸部牽引設備。

  9. 由治療師酌情決定和限制使用健身器材。治療師將在每個患者之後對設備和使用區域進行消毒。

  10. 卸下雜誌和水站



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